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Benefits of Circumcision


Male circumcision is a surgical intervention that involves the removal of the foreskin, which is the retractable fold of skin that covers the head of the penis. This procedure has been associated with several health benefits, including a reduced risk of urinary tract infections in childhood a reduced risk of ulcerative sexually transmitted diseases in adulthood, protection against penile cancer, a risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners, and prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glands), posthitis (inflammation of the foreskin), and paraphimosis (inability to return the retracted foreskin to its original location).


Removing of the foreskin provides a reduced risk of “germs” hiding under it, like HIV, penile cancer, cancer of the cervix in female sex partners and some sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


It is worth noting that complication rates are low when the procedure is performed by well-equipped and trained healthcare providers. Furthermore, numerous regional and global studies since the 1980s have noted a lower risk of HIV infection in circumcised men, as well as lower HIV prevalence in populations where male circumcision is common.


Several randomized controlled trials in Africa demonstrated that male circumcision reduces the risk of acquiring HIV infection by 50-60%. Additionally, lower prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in circumcised men than in uncircumcised men has been reported.


The incidence of invasive penile cancer is significantly lower in circumcised men than in uncircumcised men, though this condition is extremely rare. In addition to the health benefits, circumcision facilitates proper hygiene maintenance, which is essential for overall health and well-being.

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Boys on their Bikes

24318 Hemlock Ave; Suite E-1 Moreno Valley, CA 92557


(951) 243-5050

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